EU / Englishi






BANDAI S.A.S., a company incorporated in accordance with and under the laws of France, registered with the Lyon Trade and Companies Registry under number 828 019 489, having its registered office at 15 rue Félix Mangini, CS 90618, 69258 Lyon Cedex 09, France (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer" or "BANDAI"), is issuing the offer entitled "FREE SHIPPING" (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer").

The Offer takes place on the following site: https:// (hereinafter "the Site").

The Offer runs from July 8, 2024 at 11 a.m. (French time) to September 8, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (French time).





The Offer is open to anyone who has purchased at least one product on the Site, provided that they are aged eighteen (18) or over and reside in mainland France.


It is specified that all beneficiaries of the Offer must have access to an Internet connection.


The Offer is valid for a minimum of one (1) product per order and a maximum of six (6) identical products per account holder. Any additional free delivery beyond six (6) identical products will be refused. There is no limit to the number of items per order as long as there are no more than six (6) identical products.



The fact of being able to benefit from the Offer implies acceptance without reservation of the present conditions (hereinafter the "Conditions") in their entirety, of the rules of deontology in force on the Internet, as well as of the laws, regulations and other texts applicable in France.


Any fraudulent breach of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions will result in the Offer being invalidated by the Offer recipient.






·         Course of the Offer :


The Offer begins on July 8, 2024 at 11 a.m. (French time) and ends on September 8, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (French time) (the "Offer Period"), and takes place on the Site only.


The Offer will be communicated on the following media:

-       On the bandai premium website

-       By email for consumers with an account on the premium bandai site

-       At Japan Expo

-       On Internet advertising


·         Offer conditions :


In order to benefit from the Offer, the beneficiary of the Offer must, during the Offer Period :

(i)             Order on the Site without a minimum of one (1) product per order, with a maximum of six (6) identical products per account holder. Any additional free delivery beyond six (6) identical products will be refused. There is no limit to the number of items per order as long as there are no more than six (6) identical products.

There is no minimum amount requirement, which means that the Offer recipient can choose any product available on the Site;

(ii)            Confirm your order.


For your information, free delivery will be automatically set up during order validation. There is no promotional code to add in order to benefit from the Offer as soon as at least one (1) product is ordered on the Site.


The beneficiary of the Offer must fully comply with the above Offer Conditions in order to benefit from it, which also implies acceptance of the present Conditions.


The Free Delivery Offer shall not be subject to any financial consideration.


Any beneficiary of the Offer authorizes the Organizer to proceed with all necessary verifications relating to the information given by any beneficiary of the Offer. Incomplete or inaccurate information will be considered null and void and will not be eligible for the Offer. The Organizer also reserves the right to cancel any opportunity to benefit from the Offer, for any reason it deems legitimate.





The Offer Conditions can be consulted in their entirety on the Site.


A copy of the Offer Conditions may be downloaded and printed directly by the Offer Beneficiary or, on written request, obtained free of charge from the Organizer at the following address



15 rue Félix Mangini

CS 90618

69258 Lyon Cedex 09



By indicating the name of the Offer: "FREE SHIPPING".


No oral inquiries regarding the Offer will be entertained.





The Organizer does not reimburse any costs to the recipient of the Offer.


The costs incurred for access to an Internet connection shall not be considered as costs necessary to benefit from the Offer, insofar as these costs are incurred by the beneficiary of the Offer for his/her general use of the Internet and do not impose any additional costs on him/her, and insofar as access to the Internet is currently accessible free of charge by various means. Any beneficiary of the Offer, by accepting these Conditions, declares that he/she already has Internet access for their use.





Acceptance of the Offer implies unreserved acceptance of the Offer Conditions.

Consequently, the beneficiary of the Offer waives any dispute or claim in this respect.


The Organizer reserves the right to take legal action against anyone who has committed or attempted to commit fraud in order to benefit from the Offer.


However, the Organizer shall not be liable in any way whatsoever to the Offer beneficiary for any fraud that may be committed.


A beneficiary of the Offer who has committed fraud will automatically forfeit any right to free delivery.


In the event of a breach by a beneficiary of the Offer, the Organizer reserves the right to automatically exclude any participation by the latter, without the latter being able to make any claim whatsoever.


The present Conditions and the Offer are subject to the provisions of French law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.









Participation in the Offer implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, particularly with regard to technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, the risks of interruption, and more generally, the risks inherent in any connection and transmission on the Internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation and the risks of contamination by any viruses circulating on the network.


Consequently, the Organizer cannot be held responsible under any circumstances, without this list being limitative:

-          all information and/or data disseminated concerning the Offer;

-          the transmission and/or reception of any data and/or information on the Internet;

-          any malfunction of the Internet network preventing the Offer from running smoothly;

-          failure of any receiving equipment or communication lines;

-          loss of any data;

-          the consequences of any virus, computer bug, anomaly or technical failure;

-          any damage caused to the computer or mobile device of a beneficiary of the Offer;

-          any technical, hardware or software failure of any kind that prevents or limits participation in the Offer.


It is specified that the Organizer cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an interruption, malfunction of any kind, suspension, modification or termination of the Offer, for any reason whatsoever, or for any direct or indirect damage resulting, in any way whatsoever, from a connection to benefit from the Offer. It is the responsibility of the Offer recipient to take all appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software stored on his/her computer equipment against any attack. Connection by the Offer recipient in order to benefit from the Offer is made under their entire responsibility.


In general, the Organizer cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances beyond its control.





The present Conditions apply to all beneficiaries of the Offer who benefit from the Offer.


The Organizer reserves the right to modify the conditions and/or the Offer at any time, without prior notice or obligation to justify its decision and without being held liable in any way.


The Organizer reserves the right to interrupt, extend, shorten, modify or cancel the Offer, at any time, as of right, without prior notice and without having to justify such action. In this case, the Organizer may not be held liable in any way, and the beneficiary of the Offer may not claim compensation of any kind.


Additions and modifications may then be published during the Offer Period and the beneficiary of the Offer may not claim any compensation for this.


Any amendment to the Offer will be effective from the date of its publication and any beneficiary of the Offer will be deemed to have accepted it simply by participating in the Offer, as from the effective date of the amendment.











All elements, trademarks, logos and other distinctive signs reproduced within the framework and on documents relating to the Offer are likely to be the property of their owner and may be protected as such.


Any unauthorized use of these elements is subject to intellectual property law, may constitute an infringement and is strictly prohibited. Any person infringing the intellectual property rights attached to these elements is liable to the relevant penalties.





There is no personal data to be provided in addition to that already collected when the account is created in order to benefit from the Offer.


Consequently, there is no treatment linked to this Offer.




It is agreed that, except in the case of manifest error, the Organizer may rely on, in particular for the purposes of proof of any act, fact or omission, data, files, recordings, operations and other elements (such as monitoring reports or other statements) of a computer or electronic nature or format or medium, established, received or stored directly or indirectly by the Organizer, in particular in its information systems.


The beneficiary of the Offer undertakes not to contest the admissibility, validity or probative value of the aforementioned elements of a computerised or electronic nature or format or medium, on the basis of any legal provision whatsoever which specifies that certain documents must be in writing or signed by the parties in order to constitute proof.


Thus, the elements considered constitute proof and, if they are produced as means of proof by the Organizer in any contentious or other proceedings, they will be admissible, valid and opposable between the parties in the same way, under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document that would be established, received or kept in writing.





Any question as to the application or interpretation of these conditions, or any unforeseen question that may arise, will be decided by the Organizer in accordance with French law.




Version updated July 8th, 2024