SINGAPORE / Englishi


Censorship of Duplicate Registered Phone Numbers

In order to better manage the registered member information, we will conduct the censorship on duplicate phone number,From 00:00 on 27th March 2023, we will commence the censorship on duplicate phone number and if one or more member had used the same phone number at their membership registration, the following arrangement shall be made:

Once there are members used the same phone number for their membership registration, the first one made the login to the PREMIUM BANDAI would have its phone number binding to its membership so other members who had used the same phone number for their membership registration would not able to purchase any products in PREMIUM BANDAI.

Thus, to assure you would login to PREMIUM BANDAI using its service or purchase at PREMIUM BANDAI without problem upon the censorship, please immediately check the membership information that had been registered in PREMIUM BANDAI, ensure your personal information is true and accurate.

If you have any problem, please contact us through email: User's Guide > Submit a request