Coupon valid 11/24, 8:00 PM (EST) to
12/2, 9:59 AM (EST).
Only applicable to Gundam products.
- 1. Click the “Get your Coupon” button.
- 2. Sign in (if you’re not already).
- 3. You’ve got your coupon!
Add Gundam merch to your cart.
On the SHOPPING CART order details screen, check the coupon box.
Click the “Apply” button.
*Verify that the coupon has been applied before you finalize your purchase.
On Premium Bandai USA, multiple orders can be consolidated into a single order when your orders meet specific conditions. Pay only one shipping fee when you consolidate your order.
These are the conditions required for order consolidation.
・ The delivery month for the items must be the same.
・ The items have to have been ordered from the same company.
・ No more than 5 orders can be consolidated at one time.
・ Payment by credit card or debit card (for Bandai Namco Toys & Collectibles America Inc. items)
- What if you have a Gundam product and a non-Gundam product in your cart? Can you use the Free Shipping coupon then?
- As long as there is at least one Gundam item in your cart and all items have the same sales company and same delivery month, then yes, you can.
- Which items qualify as "Gundam products"?
- Click here for the full list.
- What are the requirements to participate?
- * You must live in one of the fifty states of the USA or in the District of Columbia. (Your registered address must likewise be in the aforementioned locations.)
* You must be 18 years old or older.
* You must have a Premium Bandai membership. Registration is free at: https://p-bandai.com/us/register
Only those who meet the above conditions can participate. - Do you need to make a purchase or otherwise pay to get this coupon?
- No, coupons are free.
- How do I get a free shipping coupon?
- 1. Click the “Get your Coupon” button.
2. Sign in (if you're not already signed in). - How do I redeem the free shipping coupon?
- 1. Add a Gundam product to your cart.
2. On the SHOPPING CART order details screen, check the box for the coupon.
3. Click the “Apply” button.
4. Verify that the coupon has been applied before you finalize your purchase. - When will the free shipping coupon be valid?
- Coupon will be usable between 11/24/2022, 8:00 PM (EST) and 12/2/2022, 9:59 PM (EST). Please note you will not be able to apply the coupon to purchases made after the expiration date.
- Can I re-use the free shipping coupon if I cancel the initial order where I originally redeemed the coupon?
- Yes, please see here for more information.
- Where can I confirm what coupons I’ve received?
- You can confirm obtained coupons via your Coupon List on My Page.
- Can I receive cash instead of a coupon?
- Coupons have no cash value and are not-transferable.
- I have multiple items I want to purchase, but I can't put them in the same cart and can't check out.
- Only products from the same sales company which have the same delivery month can be added to the same cart.
- Which shipping options get free shipping?
- All of them, including “Direct Signature Required” and “Indirect Signature Required,” get free shipping.
- How many coupons may I get?
- Limit one coupon per person during the campaign period.
- May I use a single coupon multiple times?
- No, each coupon may only be used once.
- Can I have multiple membership accounts?
- No, membership is limited to one per person. Any attempt by any participant to obtain more than one membership by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void that membership account and may disqualify you from having any other membership account.
- I can't use the coupon after I go to the payment screen.
- If you have left the order page mid-order before paying, you may not be able to use the coupon for a certain period of time.
If you have any other questions, please contact our customer service.
Gundam product purchases made from November 24, 2022. 8:00 PM to December 2, 2022. 9:59 AM (EST) qualify for free standard shipping to the address registered with your Premium Bandai account. Free membership for Premium Bandai can be obtained here. Due to size and/or weight, certain items may bear a shipping surcharge, which will still apply.